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“Prevention canicule” plan -France




Prevention; hard to reach; emergency line





Main result 

Prevention plan


Marseille “Prévention canicule” plan



Every summer – and during the whole year “veille sociale”



Enabling targeted intervention by health and social services in case the Prevention “canicule” alert and emergency plan is activated by the Department of Marseille.


Location  /geographical coverage           

Marseille, France


Organisation  responsible  for good  practice     


CCAS (Centre Communal d’Action Sociale) of Marseille


Stakeholders and partners 


Beneficiaries are Older Adults and their families. Parnters : Bouches du Rhone, city of Marseille, sécurité sociale indépendants, CARSAT Retratie Santé au Travail, ARS Agence Régional de Santé, APcla, Les petits frères des Pauvres, Pole infos Senior, AG2R LA MONDIALE, PROBTP Groupe, Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l’autonomie, support of the Department of Bouches du Rhone, support of CNSA (Conference for the prevention of autonmy of seniors).


Short  summary 


During the summer and the whole year “Veillée sociale” Social Watch Special Social Care targeting persons in specific vulnerable situation like marginalised isolated seniors. This specific initiative is strengthened in case of emergencies and in the summer where heat alerts are issued. This procedure allows an early identification of at-risk seniors.

During the summer and according to the needs, “plan canicule” is active with

a phone call centre providing an available number “Allo Mairie” put into place

together with home visits for personalised care dedicated to seniors that are

isolated, marginalised, and difficult to reach.

Concretely the Marseille CCAS activates the "Heatwave Prevention" plan for Older Adults.

People can call “Allo Mairie” centre managed by CCAS Marseille, and it will take


• identification,

• information,

• and the implementation of a telephone assistance or home

monitoring visit to reach the most vulnerable and isolated seniors.

• Home care services such as Domi'Resto (meal delivery), Bip

Marseille Plus (remote assistance) and Domi'Soins (home nursing care)

remain operational to meet the expectations of the elderly population

of Marseille during this period.

• Campaigns to register on a social watch system (Le CCAS since

2004 is registering the names of seniors and persons with disabilities in





The impact of this good practice on the beneficiaries is positive indeed in 2021, nearly 11,000 people were contacted thanks to the social watch system.

In 2022, the CCAS has intensified its telephone monitoring by offering individual

follow-up, plus there was the "Rendez-Vous du CCAS", which are moments of

information and exchange on the major issues that concern them.

Finally, the CCAS's 4 independent residences, the "Massiliennes" and the 6 Clubs Seniors Plus have an air-conditioned space to welcome fragile seniors in case of hot weather.



The practice presents the following innovative aspects:

• To have an early prevention plan put into place during the whole year with

specific actions, phone lines and visits for isolated vulnerable Seniors.

• To have a register with names available to all citizens including the most at-

risk ones. For the beneficiaries it is a voluntary process. Families are also able

to inform and activate the social watch for their dear ones.

• To have put in place a very simple system which is activated according to the


• Specific involvement of young people who are trained to respond to the social

watch calls.

• Specific campaigns to be registered during the whole year to the social watch


• Les services de maintien à domicile comme Domi'Resto (portage de repas),

Bip Marseille Plus (téléassistance) et Domi'Soins (Soins infirmiers à domicile)

restent opérationnels pour répondre aux attentes de la population âgée

marseillaise pendant cette période.


Lessons learned


It is a permanent watch system with weekly calls allowing a regular follow up and a way to keep constant contracts with marginalised seniors and when necessary to suggest the services most adapted to their needs.

There are also awareness campaigns to seniors informing them about all services

available at local level in Marseille.

The actions put into place allow an evaluation of the needs and a social diagnostic for the care and follow up of the cases by the social workers.



• Early prevention- follow during the whole year of a social watch system.

• outreach.

• information campaigns.

• an available phone line.

• human resources including volunteers.

• updated register of isolated vulnerable senior.

• Ensuring the availability of the existing welcoming centres and increasing

the availability of cool spaces.

• Mutualisation of competences and coordinated partnerships.


 Replicability  and/or  up-scaling

The method put into place is easily replicable.


Contact  details

Centre Communal d'Action Sociale - Immeuble Quai Ouest, 50 Rue de Ruffi,

CS 90349, 13331 MARSEILLE CEDEX 03

Tel.: +33 0486944501

Related Web site(s)


Related  resources  that have been  developed


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