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Building and furnishing with attention to climber-Greener and Cooler - Netherlands




Elderly, care, health, climate, loneliness, green, housing





Main result 

Urban planning


Building and furnishing with attention to climber Greener and Cooler


Date  March 2020



Making people aware that you can build and furnish with climate consideration.


Location  /geographical coverage           


The Hague


The Netherlands


Organisation  responsible  for good  practice     


Aedes Magazine

Housing associations and social housing


Short  summary 


In the magazine you can read a story with practical examples about greener building and designing against heat stress in summer. Furthermore, a story in an ornament about important election themes for the housing market: this time about the major social tasks and limited resources of housing corporations. In an interview, alderman Harriët Tiemens, on behalf of the VNG and city network G40, expresses her concern about the financial deficits of housing corporations.




The residential environment becomes more future-proof, which also makes the city

cooler and more liveable. With this magazine, housing cooperatives become more

aware about the effect they can make.



The paper shows that more green space should be created to combat heat stress and flooding. They offer solutions such as redesigning urban areas and building climate-proof homes. In this, housing corporations, along with municipalities and water boards, can play an important role.


Lessons learned


They want to impart a new perspective with how things can be done differently. Consider, for example, what can be done at the urban level and housing construction.




The financial shortfalls of housing cooperatives in these cities make it seem like a

big step to become more sustainable.


 Replicability  and/or  up-scaling

It is possible. However, u need to take the magazine to a morge international scale. This magazine is really only made for the Netherlands. It could certainly be done on a larger scale.


Contact  details

Editorial team:

phone: (088)233 37 50


Attn: Editorial Board

Related Web site(s)


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