
Second transnational project meeting in Treviso, Italy

19-20 September 2022

Climate change has led to an increase in the frequency and severity of heat waves globally affecting even Northern Europe, increasing the risks to health, especially of the most vulnerable groups such as older adults. The HOPE project, funded by the European Commission's Erasmus + programme, puts the serious threats to the health caused by heatwaves on the agenda of health services to older people with an inclusive ecosystem-wide approach.

To achieve this goal, six partners from the Netherlands (City of Rotterdam and University of Applied Sciences), Italy (Istituto per Servizi di Ricovero e Assistenza agli Elderly ISRAA), Portugal (Irmandade Da Santa Casa Da Misericordia Da Amadora Ipss), Greece (Social Cooperative Enterprise of the Cyclades), France (réseau Européen pour l'Inclusion et l'Action Sociale Locale, ELISAN) have joined forces. The goal of the project is to develop an integrated approach to decrease the rate of morbidity and mortality, and improve the care provided through new approaches, exchange of best practices and change management. All the partners participated to the project two-day meetings that has been in addition attended by the Municipality of Treviso, the Province of Treviso and the Local Social and Health Unit 2 (ULSS2). In addition, a study visit took place in the smart co-housing Borgo Mazzini.

The first day of the meeting was held close to the Menegazzi Residence in Treviso at ISRAA's European project office (Faber - Fabbrica Europa). The partners discussed the learning content for health promotion of the older adults. In addition, interview sessions have been set with ISRAA professionals, seniors’ residents and caregivers who face the daily challenges of climate change.

The second day of the meeting has been held at another ISRAA residence: Casa Albergo located in the historic center of Treviso. Contributions and speeches of Stakeholders included the Mayor of Treviso Mario Conte.

Through the guided tour of ISRAA's Borgo Mazzini Smart Co-housing also located in the historic center of the city the HOPE project partners got in touch with one of the most innovative initiatives of ISRAA. The interview sessions have been held with the professionals of Casa Albergo, seniors guests and caregivers.

meeting treviso

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Agenda of the event

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