Main result
Urban planning
Heat and loneliness map for all municipalities
Date June 17th 2020
The aim of this article is to raise awareness of heat and loneliness in the various municipalities of the Netherlands. For each municipality, it is therefore possible to look at where it gets the warmest and where many older people can be lonely.
Location /geographical coverage
All municipalities in the Netherlands
Organisation responsible for good practice
Consultancy firm Tauw, Climate Association Netherlands and Climate Adaptation
Services (CAS) on behalf of the NAS-Team (National climate adaptation strategy)
Short summary
The article is about the different heat and loneliness maps of all municipalities in the Netherlands. These maps show the wind chill and the density of seriously lonely over-75s.
By knowing where the most heat stress occurs in the elderly, this can be anticipated. Furthermore, the article does not state what the positive or negative impact is.
This good practice can help to investigate where help is most needed in the Netherlands. Municipalities can use this map in risk dialogues. The map helps to determine where the risks of heat stress are greatest. This makes it easier for policy officers in the physical and social domain to talk to each other about how to approach the risks and to cooperate better with each other.
Lessons learned
It is good to know where the problems occur in the municipalities.
It is important that heat be placed on a separate agenda within the risk dialogue
because it is one of the largest climate risks. It requires a different approach than
water-related climate risks.
Replicability and/or up-scaling
If this were to be done, more information would be released, and healthcare providers would know better what to do if this was the case.
Contact details
Related Web site(s)
Related resources that have been developed
A fact sheet with the heat and loneliness map has been made for every municipality in the Netherlands. This can be downloaded from the website.