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Open Protection Centers for the Elderly (K.A.P.I.)- Greece




Elderly, care, prevention, health,





Main result 

Urban planning


Open Protection Centers for the Elderly (K.A.P.Y.)


Date  January 11, 1984



KAPI (Open Centers for the Protection of the Elderly) is an institution that defends the social rights of the elderly. It was established in 1984 by legislative initiative of the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The Institution was gradually developed through local government organizations and expanded throughout the country, so that by 2017 more than 900 centers were operating.

The purpose of KAPIS is the prevention of psychological and social problems of the elderly, the cooperation of society as a whole and a special body for the problems of the elderly and health prevention.

The main objectives of KAPIS are:

1. Extra-institutional protection of the elderly, through the provision of medical, mental and social protection.

2. Defense of their social rights.

3. Organization of the elderly for information. raising awareness, mobilizing it for issues concerning the municipality, with the aim of the active participation of the elderly.

4. Addressing and predicting biological, psychological and social problems of the elderly, so that they remain equal and active members of society.

5. Creating social life through the implementation of cultural, educational and special programs for the elderly.

6. Raising awareness of the wider society and the development of cooperation with social and other agencies for the problems and needs of the elderly, as well as

7. Investigation of issues related to the problems faced by the "third" age.


Location  /geographical coverage           

In Greece, all Municipalities have their own KAPI. More than 900 centers were operating.


Organisation  responsible  for good  practice     


Ministry of Health of Greece


Short  summary 


KAPI (Open Centers for the Protection of the Elderly) is an institution that defends the social rights of the elderly. It was established in 1984 by legislative initiative of the Ministry of Health and Welfare. The institution was gradually developed through local government organizations and expanded throughout the country, so that by 2017 more than 900 centers were operating.




WHO defines healthy aging as: "The process of optimizing opportunities for physical, social and mental health, participation and safety so that older people can participate actively in society without discrimination and enjoy an independent and good quality of life" (Swedish National Institute of Public Health, 2005).

The Open Protection Centers for the Elderly of the Legal Entities of the Municipalities of Greece, operate with modern principles, concepts, and methods of providing social services, promoting healthy aging through the prevention of biological, psychological and social problems of the elderly, so that they remain in the familiar environment of community, family, neighborhood and friends as equal and active members of society, avoiding closed institutional care and social exclusion.

The strong impact of KAPIS on the served elderly is formed through the daily care services to the elderly which are:

1. Medical primary care

2. Nursing care

3. Social work in themselves and in their immediate environment

4. Physical therapy services

5. Emotional and psychological support

6. Referral to services

7. Organized entertainment, with excursions, meetings, watching theater performances, visits and guided tours to museums and cultural sites

8. Spa programs and summer camps

9. Educational programs on topics related to the elderly

10. Health education programs

11. Operation of self-activity groups, depending on the interests of the elderly, such as choir, gymnastics, dance, theater, crafts, etc.

12. Mortuary operation



A key innovation in the operation of the Open Protection Centers for the Elderly is the defense of the social rights of the elderly and the provision of extra-institutional protection. The most important point in the concept of open protection of the elderly is their stay in the community, as equal and active members, i.e. their stay in the familiar environment of the family, the neighborhood, the friendly environment, regardless of their social and economic situation. Today, KAPIs have dynamically entered the life of the local society of the country's Municipalities, having established their presence in the social and cultural life, not only of the elderly, but also of the wider society. The preservation of the traditions, morals and customs of our country, the coupling of the ages in common goals and visions, the dynamic presence of the elderly in local life through institutions, are some of the dynamic innovative components of the institution.


Lessons learned


1. KAPI offers prevention of biological, psychological and social problems of the

elderly, so that they remain autonomous, equal and active members of society.

2. It provides enlightenment and cooperation of the general public and special agencies about the problems and needs of the elderly.

3. Issues related to the elderly regarding their health, social and other problems are explored.

4. Keeps the elderly active by participating in the activities of the Centers for the Open Protection of the Elderly (K.A.P.H.)

5. Maintains the elderly in their physical and social environment

6. Social solidarity and volunteerism are developed in KAPI

7. Implements preventive controls. Prevention is divided into:

a) Primary prevention, (vaccinations, advice on avoidance accidents)

b) Secondary prevention, (medical tests aimed at early diagnosis, in order to avoid long-term multiple treatment)




In the modern era, all states internationally are taking measures to ensure universal access of citizens to quality and high-care services for a positive quality of life. As populations age, adherence to these factors becomes even more important. In many states, as in Greece, there are services for the elderly that provide assistance in the daily care and activities of people in need. These centers include basic medical treatment, care for housing and nutrition, help at home etc. In order to achieve the right care in these special programs, cooperation between state agencies and local organizations and adequate funding is considered important .

A critical issue for the continuation of the institution is its financial and institutional support from the local government. The utilization of the European funds, but also of the many years of experience from the implementation of the program should be the basis on which the local government will continue, but also expand the activity of the KAPI.


 Replicability  and/or  up-scaling

The possibilities depend on the Social Policy implemented by each government and the funding directed in this direction from either national or European resources. At the same time, it is considered necessary to train and hire specialized personnel for the staffing of the CPIs, with the aim of increasing both the supply of services and their quality.


Contact  details

Who is the address of the people or project you can contact if you want more information about good practice?

Examples include:

A) KAPI of the Municipality of Drama

B) KAPI of the Municipality of Nea Smyrni:

C) KAPI of the Municipality of Chalandri:

Related Web site(s)   

Examples include:

A) KAPI of the Municipality of Drama

B) KAPI of the Municipality of Nea Smyrni:

C) KAPI of the Municipality of Chalandri:


Related  resources  that have been  developed

What good practice training manuals, guidelines, fact sheets, posters, images, video and audio documents have been developed?

Examples include:

A) Regulation of the Operation of the Open Protection Centers for the Elderly of the Municipality of Kifissia:

B) A) Regulation of the Operation of the Open Protection Centers for the Elderly of the Municipality of Megara:

C) Event of the KAPI of the Municipality of Thessaloniki for Mother's Day :

D) Put exercise in your life Experiential activity of KAPI Municipality of Sparta:

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